Version 5 Released!

A new stable version of Nova, Release 5, is now available. Changes in this release include bug-fixes, improvements in performance and stability, and a few new features. To upgrade, simply download the new release and install. Note this new release will require you to...

Version 4 Released!

A new stable release version of Nova (version 4) is now available on the downloads page. New features in this release include: The ability to open multiple windows and copy-paste components from one model canvas to another. Three new Primops for clock the settings:...

New build M420/W339 speeds up agent-based models

Today’s build M420/W339 (Mac/Windows) greatly speeds up simulations with significant birth/death activity. This has been a problem up until now. Check it out on AgentDaisy (now included in the Model Library 5). The last few builds also implement multiple windows...